Continuing Education Needed For Psychologists

Psychology is a stream that has prolific demand not only in medical arena, but in corporate sector as well. Nevertheless, there are many psychologists who had some stoppage experience while studying the subject due to unforeseen circumstances. In order to overcome from such issues, these days there are continuing psychology degree programs offered by many psychology schools in the United States.

These days, numerous psychologists presently work in small clinics or independently due to sudden halts in their paths of education. Most of them had attained conventional undergraduate degrees and then, either due to financial crisis or some other personal problems, had to stop their education. This does not mean that these psychologists are less skilled or don’t have any right to continue their education. Completing education can help in gaining better knowledge and with more sound knowledge and its application; one can serve to the society with better means.

Getting hold of better skills in the field of psychology is mandatory for a smoother career path. And, so earning a degree in psychology after completing a continuing psychology education can support a person to a huge extent in establishing him or her in the society. Psychology is a science that primarily deals with intellectual processes and various behaviors that have been interpreted by many humans. Enrolling into a continuing psychological education can help an individual apply correct knowledge and skills to various professional specializations.

There are few prominent benefits for continuing education in the field of psychology. The foremost of those, accounted by several experts, is a considerable increment in the emoluments. It is needless to say that having a higher degree in the subject makes one more qualified or eligible in the market for major profiles and improves his or her negotiation power with the employer in regards to salary prospects. Adding to this, one of the biggest benefits of earning a psychology degree through continuing education program is the sheer versatility it provides. As a student of psychology an individual may continue education and finally enter the career with different specializations.

These days, there are many different continuing psychology programs that are awarded by various psychology schools. A majority of those are bachelor’s degrees. Though, there are master’s degrees too, and the more in-depth doctorate degrees.

It is important to remember that a better and well-knit psychological program can make a psychologist more dexterous in dealing with the various complexities of different cases. If you are looking to advance your career or have left your psychology education due to some reasons then there should not be any hesitation thinking about continuing your education. The mid-career growth prospects can also be very promising at this context. provides the opportunity to res

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My Child Had a Formal Psychological/Educational Evaluation – What Should I Do Next?

You may have read every parenting book, blog, or posts from your local mom’s boards for every difficulty your child might have, but chances are your child only represents a small portion of what is being presented to you. With this being said, when your child undergoes any psychological or educational evaluation, whether it be in a school, clinic, or private practice setting it is your job to ask questions related to your child.

Most importantly, ask questions beyond what the data or general “norms” suggest.

I say this because although we psychologists are trained to look at how a child’s behaviors present throughout the testing and account for them along with their abilities and skills, visual processing and behavioral observations are often overlooked during these most informative times. Unfortunately, this does not happen on any negligent behalf of the psychologist, but more so because psychologists are not trained to detect visual processing issues beyond what the scores present.

It is usually the parent who asks the psychologist “have you ever heard of vision therapy?” and “do you think my child needs this?” Visual processing difficulties can present in many ways across testing. If you are a parent who has had your child tested before or is going to in the future you will likely hear/see the abbreviated terms of the testing materials used. Some of the most frequently used tests are the WISC-V, WPPSI, WJ-IV, Bender-Gestalt II, GORT-5, GSRT, and the WIAT-III which assess cognitive abilities, visual motor integration, and academic achievement (reading, writing and math). Across each of these measures your child may present with below average scores— your provider will spend some time discussing this and if your child presents as average it is likely he/she will move on during any type of feedback unless you stop them. Nonetheless, you should inquire about what the processes of your child’s work looked like. By asking these questions you will know whether or not you should turn to vision therapy or consult further about your child’s visual processing.

Here are some suggestions I would recommend asking the evaluator:

During testing did my child…

Work closely to the page

Have difficulty copying items (i.e. reversals or exerting excessive energy)

Seem to slow down or spend more time re-reading parts of larger passages

Write words that exhibited letter reversals

Fatigue during reading tasks

Exhibit lip biting or excessive mouth movements during reading

Express complaints when approaching reading/writing tasks

Skip lines when reading aloud

Read the words accurately, but exhibit minimal comprehension

Write sentences with poor spacing or ‘floating’ letters off the line

Not attend to the mathematical sign changes

Exhibit minimal organization across tasks, both spatially and/or verbally

Have difficulty following multi-step directions

Have difficulty self-monitoring during tasks

Have a short attention span for particular tasks

Exhibit dysfluency across timed tasks

These questions are important to ask be

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